Most of Turman Forest Products’ logs are sourced from the Appalachian Mountains of Bedford, Botetourt, Rockbridge, Amherst, and Roanoke counties. Logs are sourced by our foresters and log buyer from area consulting foresters, landowners, and loggers. As purchasers of standing timber, the company contracts with loggers in the area to fulfill some of its supply need. Logs are also supplied by “gate” loggers or loggers that haul logs independently for landowners or themselves. Those are scaled at the Bedford log yard and then sorted by species. The prevalent species in the area is poplar which is used at large in the furniture market due to its easy workability, color, and ability to take stain.
If you are landowner interested in selling standing timber or a logger looking to sell some hardwood logs, please contact our office at 540-586-5412 for more information.